It's strange that Laila can be so talkative one minute and so quiet the next. She's practically as quiet as a drugged mouse when she's in an strange environment and in front of unfamiliar faces.
I understand that it's a normal reaction. I'm rather aloof myself when with an unfamiliar group. Laila actually adjusts to new situations faster than I do.
I understand that it's a normal reaction. I'm rather aloof myself when with an unfamiliar group. Laila actually adjusts to new situations faster than I do.
This morning we went to her new preschool, Mayfield Academy, for an assessment exam. She knows she'd be going to a 'new school', but it was only her second time to be there. And she was uncharacteristically quiet. Note that I didn't say behaved. Well, she was. She wasn't running around screaming but she didn't exactly sit motionless by my side. Instead, she moved around the room quietly inspecting every corner and what's around the corner.
My little myna bird kept her speaking prowess well under wraps for most of the assessment, giving the teacher the impression that either she's still not speaking well, she doesn't understand instructions or she refuses to follow them.
My little myna bird kept her speaking prowess well under wraps for most of the assessment, giving the teacher the impression that either she's still not speaking well, she doesn't understand instructions or she refuses to follow them.
It's good that I had a chance to explain to Teacher Liway that Laila needs a while to get used to a new environment before she fully relaxes. Not that I needed to justify Laila's actions. But I felt I had to. I guess I was was overly defensive.
But, the truth is, Laila knew everything Teacher Liway asked her to do. She's just so distracted by all the new 'toys'--materials like pegs, block, rings, beads--that she wanted to try all of them at once. She'd start one activity and then move on to the next after a few minutes. Well, at least Teacher Liway recognized one trait Laila has: she's very very curious.
Laila's going to junior toddler class, most probably. Wow, my baby's growing up.
Summer really is coming to an end. The first rains came yesterday. Pagasa says summer isn't officially over until maybe in the last week or so of May. But I can smell it in the air. School's about to start. Summer of 07 is drawing to a close.
I feel a little sad, about the end of summer and the start of classes. This is a familiar feeling, much the same way when I was younger and school's about to start again. It's strange I feel this way when I haven't attended school in 10 years.
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