Her first day was remarkably a toned down of version of last year, when both me and Daddy and the Ate took her to class.
This morning it was just me and Ate. I lingered a bit to see how she’d take it. She’s in a new school and my Baby Cat takes her time adjusting to new people and a new environment.
Laila started to cry when she sensed I was about to leave but eventually quieted down when Teacher Ge (a her) announced it was time to wash hands before snack time. My Baby Cat jumped down from my lap and skipped to the pantry, not minding the queue of tots that lined up before her.
I sneaked out of the room and watched her from the window. I heard her ask ‘Where’s Mommy ko?’ but appeared content when told that I’d gone out. Later I was told that she participated well in class and was not bashful at all.
Her sole complaint, if you could call it that, was that one classmate—I’m guessing the tiny shy girl seated next to her—refused to play with her.

I have complaints of my own. I don’t want to be one of those Mothers who kiss up to Teacher nor do I want to be one of those Moms who badger Teacher about school stuff.
However, I have noticed that Laila’s New Teacher seems to be less attentive and welcoming than Teacher Kerin from Nest.
The first day Laila went to class last year, Teacher Kerin was at the door greeting the students and making them feel welcome. This morning, Teacher Ge was fiddling with something on her desk and not minded the kids coming in.
At one point, Laila asked her what she was putting on her arms and Teacher answered ‘lotion’ without looking at her. To me, it looked as if Teacher didn’t fully acknowledge who asked the question.
Bluntly put, it was rude of her to do that. Children, even those as young as toddlers, should be given as much respect as adults when they say or ask something.
I wish I could put Laila back at Nest. My Baby Cat really blossomed there. But the tuition’s just too darn expensive.
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