Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Gender Distinctions

Sometimes I wonder what Daddy Cat thinks about being the only representative of the male species in our household.

Laila is sometimes ruthless in reminding him that he doesn't 'belong' in our exclusive girls group. 'Ikaw boy, ako girl. Si Mummy girl,' she tells him.

At bedtime, Laila would push his hand away when he reaches over me to rub her in the belly. But before doing that, Laila would check whose hand it was disturbing her road to dreamland. If she sees it's mine, Baby Cat just tucks it under her arm. If she realizes it's Dady Cat's, she swats it away with agonized complaints of 'A sikep! Moov over! Moov over!'

She also resists Daddy Cat's embraces while she openly seeks for mine.

I enjoy every bit of it of course. Go girl power!!!

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