Laila's gotten used to saying her prayers at night. And she's pretty much settled down on the idea of attending mass on Sundays.
She even leads our bedtime prayers sometimes. "Ow fder...awt heben...n-neymm...kingkangkom...duuhn...o ert...asis...heben!...daaay...ow bweeed...uh shins...dose...sind engst tus...tess...AMEN!"
She knows the sign of the cross and makes mano (if she feels like it) to the old folks. She's also very keen on stuff like why Jesus is nailed on the cross and why he carries the 'kwoss' sometimes, or why he sleeps on Mama Mary's lap at other times. She asks why bad girls and bad boys make Jesus sad and why is it he has blood on his hands and knees.
I don't know how to answer her questions appropriately half of the time, but I take full credit that she's familiar with the basics of the faith. All that makes me feel so smug. I want to give myself a hearty pat in the back. Good work!
Her interest in all thing religious now is not an assurance that she will grow up to be a strict believer of the faith, I know. But I think she's doing admirably. And I believe I've done pretty well so far.
I didn't think I would, considering I was a big A&P Catholic before she came. I was even less, truth be told.
I still don't consider myself as a real religious type. But I don't mind if Laila grows up to be one.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Coosome Twosome

And, I have to say, having her all to myself is not so bad. She's been very cooperative.
Although, she has gotten into the habit of waking up around 3 or 4 am to pee in the potty. She also has these last minute bedtime requests like a glass of water or a trip to the potty and another trip to the potty after that. And those endless questions--why is Daddy not here? why is there only two of us? why is it dark? if if't not dark, what is it? why? why? why?
She's trying to push back bedtime, obviously. Luckily for me I've already read that chapter dedicated to overcoming delaying tactics during bedtime. I didn't have too hard a time dealing with them.
Once, she cried and whined for almost half an hour insisting to be given a fresh bottle of dede when she already had one beside her. I just let her cry it out and eventually she asked for her bottle and went right to sleep.
But, admittedly, I compromised. I may have repeatedly declined her requests to be carried but relented to an alternative request to sleep on my tummy. And so she did--all 35 lbs of her--and she's been falling asleep atop my entire upper half ever since.
I don't mind, really. I'd carry and dance her to sleep if only my arms could carry her weight. So I just make do with lettine her fall asleep on my tummy.
Overall, our time together away from Daddy Cat let us bond even closer. It also proved my theory that having one parent makes disciplining a preschooler easier because there's only one authority to follow. One rule-maker.
But we sure do miss Daddy Cat.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Missing Daddy Cat

Daddy Cat left this morning for a six-day holiday all by his lonesome.
It's his first out-of-town trip without Laila and me and, I have to admit, it's a little unsettling. For me. Usually, it's me who goes away. Hmmm. So this is how it feels to be left home with the baby.
Not that I truly am home with the baby. I wish. I still gotta work till 7 pm, race to the train station, grab a quick dinner and get ready for bed before 8 pm so I have a full hour of playing with Baby Cat before she goes to bed at 9.
The only difference is Daddy Cat won't be joining me in this mad medley.
He'll be in Calbayog with Lola and the Lola Lola. Tomorrow's the town fiesta and Daddy Cat's been wanting to visit Calbayog during the fiesta. It's also a sort of celebration/reunion in honor of the first lawyer in the family in decades.
The original plan was for us three to go, but circumstances--expensive plane tickets--kept us from going. And, as it turned out, real circumstances--the office partner is away on assignment and the Erap verdict is about to come out--have cropped up and I would've been forced to cancel the trip anyway.
So, until next Wednesday, it'll just be me and Baby Cat.
She took the goodbye rather well. Baby Cat cried briefly when Daddy Cat's taxi drove away but quieted down soon after we got inside the house. I guess my frequent business trips have gotten her used to brief separations.
The truth is, she cried worse when she stepped on and broke my hair clip. She was simply unconsolable for the next half hour or so. Baby Cat is so funny. She must've felt terrible about the transgression even without me making a big deal out of it.
I doubt she feels guilty because she broke my stuff. But I suppose she feels that she harmed the clip and feels sorry for it. Baby Cat wants me to glue back the piece that broke off. Awww.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Spreading Wings, Building Character
This news just in from preschool: Laila is continuing to exercise her independence and is doing a good job in determining her individuality. She is freely expressing her budding artistic talents, indulging herself in the world tastes and textures.
That's Mommyspeak for 'Teacher Reg called my attention over Laila's inattention during class.'
Apparently, Laila's not been coloring inside the lines as she is supposed to and has gotten into a habit of pouring out her milk when Teacher Reg tells the class to pack away their snack things. Teacher says Laila colored really well until a few days ago when she began coloring way beyond the lines.
Slap me silly now, but I don't think that it's such a big deal. To be honest, I am delighted by it. I feel that she's pushing her individuality. And I'm glad that she is. I don't want a drone for a daughter.
As for the milk spilling, I think she sees us throwing away unfinished glasses of water at home. Perhaps she thinks that's the proper way to pack away unfinished drinks. Well, I don't want her to grow up wasteful so it's something I have to deal with.
My sister thinks I should be more strict with Laila. Otherwise, she warns, Baby Cat would grow up like her second youngest, Utoy, who's a bit naughty. I don't think he's naughty, though. A bit misguided, probably, but not a lost case. Living with the grandparents is a big factor in Utoy's demeanor. But he'll grow out of their babying.
Laila is quick witted like Utoy, though. Utoy has an excuse for everything, from not doing his homework or playing too much. Laila is almost the same.
I had a talk with Baby Cat about Teacher Reg's observations. After a few minutes into my monologue, she suggested we comb her dollies' hair. I told her we'll play later after Mommy finishes her her.
She told me her ears were already hurting.
I had a hard time keeping myself from laughing out loud.
My sister would say that it's another indication that I should be stricter with Laila, or have another baby so Baby Cat would learn more about responsibility.
I think Laila's just exercising her individuality.
That's Mommyspeak for 'Teacher Reg called my attention over Laila's inattention during class.'
Apparently, Laila's not been coloring inside the lines as she is supposed to and has gotten into a habit of pouring out her milk when Teacher Reg tells the class to pack away their snack things. Teacher says Laila colored really well until a few days ago when she began coloring way beyond the lines.
Slap me silly now, but I don't think that it's such a big deal. To be honest, I am delighted by it. I feel that she's pushing her individuality. And I'm glad that she is. I don't want a drone for a daughter.
As for the milk spilling, I think she sees us throwing away unfinished glasses of water at home. Perhaps she thinks that's the proper way to pack away unfinished drinks. Well, I don't want her to grow up wasteful so it's something I have to deal with.
My sister thinks I should be more strict with Laila. Otherwise, she warns, Baby Cat would grow up like her second youngest, Utoy, who's a bit naughty. I don't think he's naughty, though. A bit misguided, probably, but not a lost case. Living with the grandparents is a big factor in Utoy's demeanor. But he'll grow out of their babying.
Laila is quick witted like Utoy, though. Utoy has an excuse for everything, from not doing his homework or playing too much. Laila is almost the same.
I had a talk with Baby Cat about Teacher Reg's observations. After a few minutes into my monologue, she suggested we comb her dollies' hair. I told her we'll play later after Mommy finishes her her.
She told me her ears were already hurting.
I had a hard time keeping myself from laughing out loud.
My sister would say that it's another indication that I should be stricter with Laila, or have another baby so Baby Cat would learn more about responsibility.
I think Laila's just exercising her individuality.
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