Monday, September 24, 2007

No A&P Catholic

Laila's gotten used to saying her prayers at night. And she's pretty much settled down on the idea of attending mass on Sundays.

She even leads our bedtime prayers sometimes. "Ow fder...awt heben...n-neymm...kingkangkom...duuhn...o ert...asis...heben!...daaay...ow bweeed...uh shins...dose...sind engst tus...tess...AMEN!"

She knows the sign of the cross and makes mano (if she feels like it) to the old folks. She's also very keen on stuff like why Jesus is nailed on the cross and why he carries the 'kwoss' sometimes, or why he sleeps on Mama Mary's lap at other times. She asks why bad girls and bad boys make Jesus sad and why is it he has blood on his hands and knees.

I don't know how to answer her questions appropriately half of the time, but I take full credit that she's familiar with the basics of the faith. All that makes me feel so smug. I want to give myself a hearty pat in the back. Good work!

Her interest in all thing religious now is not an assurance that she will grow up to be a strict believer of the faith, I know. But I think she's doing admirably. And I believe I've done pretty well so far.

I didn't think I would, considering I was a big A&P Catholic before she came. I was even less, truth be told.

I still don't consider myself as a real religious type. But I don't mind if Laila grows up to be one.

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