Here are photos taken on Dad's 40 days.
As Laila would say, I miss Lolo.
Here's Mom and me. This was taken in the kitchen while she supervises the cooking being done in the backyard.

Left photo: Nanay Juling, Tita Baby from across the street and Nanay Eli.
Right photo: Ate Meding, Jelma from downstairs and Ate Esther.

My Iron chef Kuya doing his magic. His arms were the only ones big and strong enough to stir the food being cooked in those giant pots.
Ate Meding, taking a short break from the cooking and preparing. She's the padasal's floor manager.
Here are all the kids, minus John (who went back to Manila early), Trisha (went home) and Julius (only heaven knows where he was when this was taken). Top row: Yeyen, Ann, Jayson, EJ; Middle: Rain and Chi; Bottom: Laila Cat.

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