The first time she had them Baby Cat had to be hospitalized just to make sure she doesn't get dehydrated. She was a lot younger then and, I guess, more intolerant of pain. She didn't want to take anything. No milk, no water, no soup, no nothing.

This photo was taken on our last day in hospital. Her first solid food in almost a week. What made it sweeter for me was that she asked for the sandwich herself.
This time around she takes soup and dede, which is as good as a full meal because the milk is high in protein and other nutrients we preschoolers just don't get from regular meals.
But her temperature shot to 39.4 and wouldn't respond to paracetamol. Her pedia told me to give her a higher dosage and that seemed to have done the trick.
She's doing much better now, but she still might have to get her blood tested if the fever doesn't go away totally by tomorrow or Thursday. I don't want to risk the possibility that the fever is caused by another ailment. The blood test will rule out dengue and other diseases.
I don't get it. Laila gets sick as if I don't take care of her enough.
On the way home from a visit to Lola's house in Batangas, we passed by a homeless family who's shack was a pushcart. The kids shouldn't be any older than 6 years old and the youngest was in his birthday suit under the drizzle. And they all seem perfectly well. And by 'well' I mean they do not look like they're suffering from an illness.
Why?! All those germs and bacteria they get from living in the streets and the heavily leaded air they breathe and they're not sick! And here's Baby Cat--taking daily vitamin C and multivitamins, trained to wash her hands several times a day, cover her mouth when she sneezes or coughs, use utensil when eating, wash her pepe after peeing and everything else that would protect her from ingesting more germs than what's minimum--who's got sores in her mouth caused by a virus.
I just don't get it. It's like I still don't do enough to keep her healthy.
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