Laila went on her first Trick or Treat sortie last weekend. It was a blast. She slept through a good deal through the pre-trick-or-treat show so she was up and alert when we went around the shops in Shangri-La mall.
It was a good haul, if you ask me. A big bagfull of goodies that I
promptly stashed to give away to Kuya Utoy and Kuya Austin as presents. She's still not allowed to have candy. But the other treats I let her keep--the orange Winx thro pillow, pencils and small notebooks and other stuff that won't ruin her precious teeth.

As I mentioned earlier, Baby Cat went as Wonder Woman. There were lots of faiies and princesses and vampires and witches, but only Laila and another, much older kid went as Wonder Woman.
Needless to say, she received lots of Ooooh-how-cute! and Aaaaaw-Wonder-Woman! from the other parents there. Several shop managers giving away the treats even took photographs with Wonder Laila. She was game through it all, stretching her arms and running around as if she was flying. Thank goodness she had a good nap.
Much of the other Justice Leaguers were there. How I wish I could round them up and have Wonder Laila photographed with Batman, Supergirl and the other super heroes. But they were all too fast to catch in one frame.
One little tyke Laila took a fancy to was the Picachu boy in front of us in the trick or treat queu. Laila had a blast gently touching him by the tail. And when we would get left behind in one shop, she'd yell 'Hey Picachu! Wait fer me!' Too bad the camera was low on battery and we didn't get Baby Cat's picture taken with her beloved Picachu. Pica! Pica!
I'm definitely looking forward to next year.
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