Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Teeth, New Bites

Seven-month old Ezekiel's first two teeth are coming out.
Yup. Already. It's so cute. First he got diarrhea for over a week and then the teeth came out. I'm not sure if those two are linked, but that's the proper order of events.
He's always loved to bite and nibble and dig his mouth into things--my shoulder included--but this time I'm really beginning to feel the 'bite'.
He's going to be a biter I think.
Scary prospect. I still remember Laila's biting phase vividly. I no longer have the black and blue patches as remembrance, but the feel of her new, sharp and barely used dentures are not something you can easily forget.
Ate Jeanette has her own memory of that phase. Right in her bum.
But my those little teeth are cute. Sometimes I'm thinking that getting is worth knowing that they're there.
Then again, ask me again when he's fully into the biting phase.