Monday, January 14, 2008

Fever Again

Laila's been suffering from low-grade fevers for three nights now.

She burns--although the thermometer says her temperature is only at 37.1 degrees or thereabouts--at night and returns to normal in the morning.

Baby Cat got me really worried yesterday morning when she overslept. She's never overslept in her life. Flashes of a four-year old victim of physical abuse overcame me. The victim, a pretty young girl, had a concussion and refused to wake up after going to bed the night previously. Twelve hours later she passed away.

But Laila's pedia recognized the beginnings of mouth sores (canker sores again) and recommended we keep her hydrated and maintain her daily dose of Vit. C to keep her resistance up. The doc doesn't recommend giving her medicine for the fever, though. She wasn't even concerned about Laila oversleeping. The working theory was that baby Cat must've been slumbering soundly.

I again looked like a paranoid conspiracy theorist. But I have no regrets. I'd rather have my worries downplayed than verified.

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