Thursday, April 24, 2008

Magaling na o!

Baby Cat slipped and fell flat on her tummy last night. She bruised her chin slightly and had small cuts just below her left eye.

It was a minor accident as minor accidents go, but it was her first. I don't remember her ever getting bruised that 'badly' before.

And she didn't know how to handle it. She was fine until she looked in the mirror and saw those small scratches on her face.

Earlier, we joked that Tita would now have to put medicine on her bruise. She knows how brutal Tita is when it comes to putting medicine on a wound or a scrape or on just about anything. And that thought drove her into despair when she sow how 'serious' her injuries were.

Baby Cat cradled her left cheek in her hand while we were in bed, mumbling 'Oh no, oh no...' to herself until she fell asleep.

Laila was hopeful when she got up this morning, because the pink scratches were, by now, deep red crusts.

'Magaling na o!' she declared, confident that she will not be subjected to Tita-the-ogre-nurse.

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